Major Neighborhood Projects

The Laurelhurst Community Club’s Board of Trustees serves the community by listening to neighbors’ concerns and then pursues results that will maintain and improve the Laurelhurst neighborhood.

These are some of our current neighborhood projects and issues.

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LCC has been a party of record in the development of the Talaris property since its initial development as Battelle’s Institute for Advance Study in the late 1960s. The land is privately owned. Over the past 50 years, LCC has worked with several owners of this property, including the current one.

Seattle Children’s Hospital

LCC is required in its partnership with the City to review SCH’s proposed plans for development phases to ensure they are in compliance with requirements.


With the new floating bridge and the West Approach Bridge North now completed, the replacement SR-520 corridor is progressing through to I-5 with key build-out sections.

Laurelhurst Emergency Action Plan (LEAP)

LEAP is an all-volunteer organization working to educate Laurelhurst residents about steps to take before, during, and after an earthquake or similar disaster. 

Being prepared yourself will help your neighbors and make our neighborhood more resilient in its response.


City-University Community Advisory Committee

CUCAC membership consists of 16 representatives appointed by surrounding communities and the UW. The committee meets on the second Tuesday of every month.