4000 NE 41st St.
LCC has been a party of record in the development of the Talaris property since its initial development as Battelle’s Institute for Advance Study in the late 1960s. The land is privately owned. Over the past 50 years, LCC has worked with several owners of this property, including the current one. The underlying zoning is for either “an institute of advanced study” or single-family homes with 5,000 square foot lots. According to the Settlement Agreement running with the property, no major institutions such as universities, colleges, or hospitals are allowed to own or operate a long-term lease of the property.
The seven building exteriors, designed by the founders of NBBJ architects, and the landscape design, by celebrated landscape architect Richard Haag, were designated as landmarks by the City of Seattle on November 7, 2013.
There is a current Application for a Master Use Permit (MUP) for a subdivision on this 17.8-acre site into 60-some parcels of single-family home sites. No decision to move forward on this proposed development has been made to date. Many objections have been filed with the City and the Landmark Preservation Board regarding the destruction of the landmarked landscape and wetlands such development would cause.
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Site History
Landscape architect Richard Haag teams with founders of NBBJ architects to design and develop a plan for the 18-acre campus that would house Battelle Memorial Institute.
Battelle Memorial Institute sold the 18-acre parcel to Era Care Communities for $6,125,000.
4000 Property LLC of Bellevue purchased the property from Era Care Communities for $15,630,000 and developed Talaris Research Institute, which focused on infant and early-learning research of the brain.
4000 Property LLC closed Talaris Institute and proposes new development.
The seven building exteriors along with the landscaping were designated as landmarks by the City of Seattle on November 7, 2013.