SUN (Saving Urban Nature) Park

Located at the corner of 47th Avenue NE and NE 47th Street.

History of SUN Park

SUN stands for Saving Urban Nature. In 2007 SUN was the vision created by Jean Amick and Dixie Jo Porter through the purchase of a small city corner lot from a developer who planned to replace one old original farmhouse and its remaining orchard with three large new homes.

Funded in part by a $15,000 neighborhood grant, neighbors and community members participated in a design process ­–as well as tireless fundraising – from which a unique native plant garden was designed and built. In need of an “official” overseer, the property was deeded through an agreement with the Cascade Land Conservancy, then renamed Forterra, with the hope that SUN Park would become acquired by Seattle Parks and Recreation at some point in the future.

Since 2007, the SUN team has envisioned, built, weeded, refined, nurtured, mulched – and weeded some more. Volunteers have met at least once a month to Weed and Sweep (some several times per month) to keep this green corner well maintained and visibly cared for in an appreciative neighborhood.

SUN is directly across the street from Laurelhurst Elementary School, and teachers have used it as an extended classroom, a laboratory of native Pacific Northwest plants. Small children from the neighborhood’s many child care facilities, enjoy wandering around this mini green space on their walks. Teenagers waiting early mornings for their school buses often hang out on the benches there, as do the parents and grandparents waiting to pick up kids from the elementary school.

In August 2019, Friends of SUN Park gifted this beautiful green space to Seattle Parks and Recreation. In addition, a significant maintenance fund raised by SUN volunteers over the years was turned over to Parks for the purpose of future acquisitions. Friends of SUN Park works closely with Parks to ensure its continued care and enjoyment for all.

Join the Weed and Sweep Brigade Work Parties

Usually happens on the Second Saturday of each month, 10 a.m. to noon.