Payment Checkoutadmin2025-01-17T16:26:47-08:00 Pay 2025 Dues First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Phone *Billing Address *Apartment, suite, etcCity *State/Province *ZIP / Postal Code *Annual Dues$90 - Annual DuesAnnual Dues Total$Landscape Maintenance$20 - Landscape MaintenanceLandscape Maintenance Total$Special Neighborhood Projects$50$100$250$500$1000CustomEnter Custom AmountUSDDues Total$Are you subscribing any houses for the Laurelhurst Security Patrol? *YesNoAn annual subscription of $650 will be added to your total. Please note that for each house subscribed, an additional $650 will be added to your total.Number of HousesAddress of Service #1 *Address of Service #2 *Address of Service #3 *Supplemental Funds in support of the Laurelhurst Security PatrolUSDSecurity Patrol Total$By checking this box to subscribe to the Laurelhurst Security Patrol, a Neighborhood Watch Program, I acknowledge that I have read carefully and agree to the following: * This is a community patrol to provide a visual deterrent and to observe and facilitate reporting to SPD potentially criminal activity (for example, car prowl, burglary, etc.). Subscribers must still call 911 as a first step in the event of an incident. Laurelhurst Security Patrol does not provide and is not designed or intended to provide private or individual security services. Schedule and extent of coverage by this service will depend on the number of subscribers and amount of funds raised. Subscriber understands that this is a deterrent and observation/reporting patrol, not a police/law enforcement activity, and that Laurelhurst Community Club (LCC), a Washington nonprofit corporation, and the Laurelhurst Security Patrol are not responsible for and do not guarantee subscriber’s safety and security. Nor do they guarantee that subscribers will not incur damage or harm. Subscribers will therefore bring no claims that attempt to hold LCC or the Patrol liable in the event that the subscriber incurs damage, harm and/or a loss of safety or security. Tax$I’d like to opt in to paying an additional 3% to help offset the credit card processing fee charged LCC for processing this paymentYesNoTotal$Send Message