What is the LCC Private Security Patrol?
In 2008, LCC launched a Private Security Patrol program to support crime prevention efforts and provide another layer of security for the neighborhood. Since its launch, LCC has had very positive response to the Patrol as it has helped deter car prowls, auto thefts and vandalism in Laurelhurst.
The patrol boundaries cover the entire neighborhood area south of Sand Point Way from Mary Gates Way to NE 55th Street. As before, coverage is planned for five nights/days a week, but nights and hours may vary depending on funding contributed and the availability of officers.
Neighbors can join at any time during the year, as can neighborhood institutions such as schools, churches, etc. The annual cost per family is $200 that goes till December 31st of each year.
This is what you will receive as a part of your participation:
- Uniformed, off-duty Seattle Police officers patrol the neighborhood in their personal vehicles approximately up to five nights/days a week for four hours each shift. Officers are in uniform, carry police radios and their police firearms. They monitor incoming 911 calls and will respond while waiting for official response from the on-duty police officers
- Home check-ins while on vacation. Officers do a walk around of your premises during each shift and secure any open doors, exposed packages, or remove door tags. They call your emergency contact number with any concerns or leave an incident card for minor issues (for example, if they shut your garage door).
- Your will be concerns relayed to officers before each shift. Get in touch with LCC’s crime prevention team at CRIMEPREVENTION@LAURELHURSTCC.COM to request vacation checks or to report any criminal activity (after you have called 911), neighborhood concerns, etc.
Report a Crime
** If you have an emergency, call 9-1-1 immediately.
To report a crime that is not in progress to the non-emergency line, call (206) 625-5011 and select 8 from the menu.