Waterway No. 1

Waterway No. 1 is a parcel of waterfront property located where Northeast 35th Street meets 43rd Avenue Northeast in Laurelhurst. Long ago it was used as a boat launch for one of Seattle’s mosquito fleet ferries, the Laurelhurst Launch, which shuttled folks from Laurelhurst to Madison Park and back. Now it is a rare and treasured public access point to the waterfront where people can go to observe nature, walk dogs, launch non-motorized boats, and play basketball.

Enhancement Project History


Phase 1: Shoreline

November 2005 involved installation of several large, granite, slip-resistant boulders on the water’s edge to improve safety for access to the water. LCC was assisted by Shane DeWald, SDOT’s landscape architect, and DPD in planning, permitting and installation of this phase. 



Phase 2: Basketball Court Replacement

LCC, with the assistance of State Representative Gerry Pollet, and the cooperation of the Seattle Parks and Recreation Department, received approval for implementation of Phase 2 of the project—replacement of the 80-year-old dangerously dilapidated basketball court. This achievement would not have been possible without the contributions of many neighbors. The project was completed in 2014.



Phase 3: Landscape and Vegetation

Michael C. Lee, landscape architect and owner of Colvos Creek Nursery, designed a landscape plan that addresses the safety and access needs of visitors; soil erosion concerns; vegetation that both helps wildlife and beautifies the site. The plan is based upon the concept plan developed as a result of community consensus by SDOT’s landscape architect with input from noted plant expert Arthur Lee Jacobson. The plan also includes design and possible installation of an ADA pathway.  LCC received a $25,000 grant from the Neighborhood Park and Street Fund to implement the plan.


Project Documentation

Phase 3

May 2015

Phase 2

no documents available

Phase 1